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My Solo Trip to Germany: A Complete Safety Guide for a Chinese Female Traveler


Did you know that traveling alone isn't as scary as it seems? In the summer of 2023, I finally gathered my courage to embark on a month-long solo trip to Germany. As a Chinese girl who had never traveled abroad alone, I documented every detail of this experience, hoping to inspire and help others like me who want to explore the world independently.


I still remember the first thought that popped into my head when I decided to go to Germany: "Oh my god, can I really do this alone?" Indeed, solo international travel requires extensive preparation, but it's not difficult at all if we take each task seriously.

First, let's talk about the visa. German visa requirements are quite extensive, with the document checklist alone spanning several pages. I spent two whole weeks preparing all the materials. It's important to note that the German embassy is very strict about documentation requirements, even specifying exact photo dimensions, so you must follow their requirements precisely.

Safety First

Speaking of insurance, this is absolutely crucial for international travel. I chose a comprehensive travel insurance plan that covered medical, accident, flight delay, and other aspects. When I was in Munich, my flight was delayed for 8 hours due to weather conditions, and the insurance company reimbursed me 600 euros for accommodation and meals. This experience made me deeply appreciate that insurance isn't optional.

Trip Planning

My itinerary covered eight major German cities, from Hamburg in the north to Munich in the south. While planning the route, I specifically researched the safety conditions and precautions for each city. For example, in Berlin, I chose to stay in the safer Mitte district. Although it was more expensive, the safety level was significantly higher.


For accommodation, I mainly chose chain hotels and well-reviewed hostels. In Frankfurt, I stayed at a hostel with a 9.5 rating. Not only was the room clean and tidy, but the front desk staff also spoke Chinese, which made me feel particularly at home. Before arriving in each new city, I would check the hotel surroundings on Google Maps to ensure the accommodation was near a metro station and had convenience stores and restaurants nearby.


Regarding transportation, Germany's public transit system is truly excellent. I bought a German Rail Pass in advance, which was both cost-effective and convenient. However, I should mention that German trains are often delayed, so make sure to allow plenty of time when planning your schedule. Additionally, I downloaded the DB Navigator app, which shows real-time train schedules and delay information - it's extremely useful.

Safety Tips

As a solo female traveler, I've compiled several crucial safety tips:

First, don't carry too much cash. I usually only carried enough for the day, keeping the rest in the hotel safe. In Berlin, I heard that Japanese tourists in the next room had 3,000 euros stolen because they carried too much cash.

Second, keep important documents in separate places. I kept copies of my passport and visa in different bags, with the originals always on my person.

Third, avoid going out alone at night. In Hamburg, I made sure to return to the hotel before sunset, and when I needed to go out, I had the hotel arrange a taxi.

Personal Experience

After this trip, my biggest realization was that solo travel isn't as difficult as imagined - the key is thorough preparation. See? I successfully completed this journey too.

Actually, the greatest advantage of solo travel is being able to plan your schedule entirely according to your own rhythm. For instance, in Heidelberg, I sat on a bench by the Neckar River for an entire afternoon, watching the sunset and the castle emerging and fading in the evening glow - it was truly beautiful.

Final Thoughts

If you're planning a solo trip to Europe, I strongly recommend doing thorough preparation work. Safety always comes first, and with adequate preparation, you're sure to have an unforgettable journey.

Remember, the significance of travel isn't just about what you see, but how much you grow from the experience. Just like this German trip made me more independent and confident. Don't you agree?


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